
LeapOut is a collaborative marketplace that connects employers, suppliers and candidates. The software provides tools to save time hiring and placing candidates in appropriate fields.


  • Connect with top suppliers and employers over the LeapOut network.
  • Quickly, easily and securely share information and resumes of candidates.
  • Associate with the right suppliers to find the right candidates for open jobs.

Approach and Solution:

  • Key Tasks: Build a secure system for posting job listings, resumes and hotlists of candidates
  • Software: N-tier solution based on MVC architecture. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Java, Spring Web MVC, Spring IOC, Hibernate, JPA Entity Manager


  • LeapOut is a secure software that connects suppliers, candidates, and employers on a unified platform.
  • LeapOut benefits all sectors of the workplace and saves countless man hours spent in finding the right fit for teams.
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